The Full Story
The Full Story
The idea of Sommerfuglen Wonderlust Stories started years ago, but back then, it existed as a lifestyle – a constant pull to explore, travel, be free and wander. This need for freedom shaped choices, and choices shaped a lifestyle.
Four Norwegian winters ago, countless days of ice swimming followed by hot drinks and sharing stories eventually led to the birth of Sommerfuglen Wonderlust Stories as something more tangible: it had found a home.
Spiregården in Kristiansand
After almost 20 years of nomadic meandering, upon my return to my hometown, Kristiansand, in 2019, I found a place for my restless feet. An oasis is the best way to describe Spiregården: it’s a garden, home to a vegan café and yoga studio and, foremost, a beautiful community of inspiring, loving souls.
After being immersed in this beautiful space as a guest, yoga instructor, yoga practitioner (and for a few months, as a tenant), it felt only natural for this space to become a home for something else.
When Den rosa bua (the pink shed) was no longer needed for Spiren café’s kombucha brewing, it was time to write new stories: Sommerfuglen Wonderlust Stories.
And so the story begins. Or rather, the story continues. In a new shape. In new colours. Old stories will be remembered; new stories will be written, but above all – stories will be shared.
The vision of Sommerfuglen Wonderlust Stories is to inspire and continue to be inspired. To treasure storytelling through creativity, art, handcrafts, values, travels, memories, dreams, thoughts and visions. The journey will continue, gathering inspiration from abroad and from next door, and sharing it all in Spiregården, an oasis in southern Norway, and now also here, online.
What to expect
Sommerfuglen Wonderlust Stories is a lifestyle shop that offers unique products and gifts, with a focus on taking care of both you and the environment. At the core of our concept is to share products and stories supporting social enterprises, NGO´s and entrepreneurs around the world.
The selection of products may vary slightly – this is part of the storytelling concept. Certain products and categories will be more consistent, and you can expect to find incense, sage, jewellery as well as organic skin and hair products.
Sommerfuglen´s Mission
Our mission is to inspire and share stories from global and local corners while promoting unique, sustainably made products that gives back.